An Upstate of Mind

This trip has changed my opinion about many of the states in our great country.  When you fly into a place for a week of work or a week of vacation, or just see what the TV shows, news or movies present to you, you really don’t get a true feel for that place – but you definitely do form an opinion.  Now that we are driving into, through and around places, living there, being locals, going to grocery stores and drug stores as well as being tourists, everything seems to slow down and I feel like I can really experience a place.  I have learned that each place, each state, has something amazing to offer, and I need to stop the pre-conceived notions and just go visit places!

Let’s take New York for example.  The old me most certainly did not ❤️ NY.  There were a lot of business trips to New York City, by train, from Philly.  Yuck.  I got off the train, wouldn’t touch any hand railings getting out of the station, kept saying “excuse me”, “pardon me” as I continuously bumped people walking down the streets – and no, nobody ever said it back.  And the trash, ugh.  For me, those feeling of NYC spread and, sight unseen, encompassed the whole state of NY.    Even with some beautiful (and much more fun) business trips to Westchester County, those feelings of NYC were overpowering.   I didn’t want to give NY a chance.  Nope, there was no I❤️NY for this girl. Except for getting a chance to cross paths with a couple of the most amazing IBM employees living in NY, I can’t really say I was looking forward to the NY section of our adventure.

But the new me, the open to experience new places me, just completed three absolutely lovely weeks in Upstate New York.  I capitalize “Upstate” because it deserves to be capitalized!  Trees.  The Adirondacks. The Hudson River Valley. Lakes.  Rivers.  The 1000 Islands. Great small cities, like Albany and Syracuse. Amazing engineering accomplishments like the Erie Canal (Hey biking friends, we can ride 300+ miles across New York along the Erie Canal.  Who’s in?!?)

I found a sticker here that said “Upstate Of Mind”.  My brain keeps trying to sing it to the song “A New York State Of Mind” (that’s been done by a bunch of people but I know the Billy Joel version the best since I’m a child of the 70’s).  The short phrase doesn’t quite flow with the beat, but I don’t care, because Upstate New York has changed my mind.  I’m definitely in an Upstate Of Mind!  I ❤️ Upstate NY.

I also learned the people here are hardier than I am – they were swimming in the ice cold rivers and lakes and pools! God bless ’em! I can’t wait to continue our travels farther North and see how cold the water is – I bet ice is still floating in it.

There was one unusual thing about New York.  It is the first state we’ve come across where the interstate exit numbers do not coincide to the mile markers.  The exits are sequentially numbered, no matter how many miles are between them.  Gotta say, it took a little while to get my head around having to travel 27 miles between exit 42 & 43.  Things seemed so close, yet were so far!  Haven’t seen that numbering system since I was young.

Today we leave beautiful New York state for Vermont – a place I fully expect to live up to all my pre-conceived notions of deliciousness & natural beauty.  I’m pretty sure Vermont is a stomach ache waiting to happen, but I don’t care – Cheese, Maple Syrup & Ice Cream!  Ben & Jerry’s, get those samples ready! 


  1. Elaine J Witkowski

    That’s where Mark is from. He asked me the other day where you were currently and commented it’s where he used to work at a tennis camp. Can’t remember exactly where you were at the time, but it was upstate at one of the lakes. Maybe lake George. I got to visit the area once about 25 years ago did a wedding and was amazed at the water, greenery and hills. Lots and lots of hills. Very different from here!

    • I didn’t know we were in Mark’s old stomping grounds! It is certainly green here! I like the green rolling hills, they are a nice change from the craggy mountains in Tucson! Hope you two are doing well. Miss you! Hugs to Mark.

  2. Upstate NY is quite nice! Did you get to Ithaca &/or Lake Placid? Visited Olympic Village in the 80s. Amazing to stand next to the luge runs that are truly vertical in some spots. Have fun!

    • No Ithaca or Lake Placid. But I know exactly what you mean about the Olympic Villages – we were at the one in Park City UT. The ski runs scared the crap out of me, standing at the top.

  3. Victoria L Shoopman

    Can’t wait to explore what your seeing this Fall! So excited!
    Be safe out there and keep the bolg coming!

    • I love the green, it is very pretty. But you are going to be amazed when you come in the fall and see all the leaves! It will be spectacular! I can’t wait to see your pictures and hear about your reaction to the color!

  4. Jane Shurtleff

    Glad you got to see the Real New York! When we visit my brother in Pleasantville (yes, it is not just a movie title!) I just love the farmers market, walking through the gorgeous Rockefeller Reserve and going to my favorite coffee and empanada place in Ossining down by the Hudson River!
    We’ll be there at the end of July after we get back from our European trip.

    Have a great time in Vermont. We ❤️ Vermont!

    Happy trails!


    • I’ve been here a day and I ❤️ Vermont already. Our campground is right on Lake Champlain and right on a bike path. Enjoy NY in July. I know you are going to love Turkey!

  5. Elizabeth 🏘 Scott

    Beautiful….uoj jnow Cuyler is fron upstate NY….Altmomt and his family had a camp…you know me and camp, I thought his family,owned a ca,p for kids.

    When I visited and went to camp, I learned what his camp was….and that are, I think it was Blue lake was simply gorgeous!

    Where are those big old Buildings? And where did you get your 4th shirt? Love it!

    • I did not know that about Cuyler – Cuyler from the dorms, yes? I think the big old buildings you are asking about are in Syracuse. I really liked Syracuse as a town/small city. I would put it on the list, but it’s way, way, way to cold here in the winter! Brrrr. That shirt is from an ad I saw on Facebook, it’s cute, but I would not recommend the company. It shipped from Italy (had no idea it wasn’t a US company). If it comes back up again in my FB feed, I’ll send you a link.

  6. Did you walk over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie? That’s where my daughter went to school — love the Hudson River Valley so much! I’ve been thinking of you, so happy to see the update 🙂

    • We had no idea of the walkway over the Hudson, until we drove through Poughkeepsie and saw the bridge and the sign. The friends we were meeting for dinner were from Red Hook and we started talking about it. So you know, after that, we made it a point to do the walk! It was fantastic. We took the elevator up. Such a cool thing!

  7. I remember a pretty yummy micro brewery in Vermont! Plus mountains! Enjoy. Miss you!!

    • I’m sure we will find a brewery in Waterbury, after the Ben & Jerry’s tour, we’ll definitely assume it is the same brewery you found and toast to you and Bill! The mountains here are beautiful. So very different from the Rockies!

  8. I did the Walk over the Hudson years ago. Upstate was a great place to visit. I agree.

    • That Walk Over The Hudson was such a treasure. We had no idea it existed, found it by accident, then knew we needed to figure out how to get to it. I’m so glad we go into places without a clue and find amazing things like that! 🙂 Hugs to you and Diane!

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